a able about above absolutely access account across act action actual actually add address advice after again against age ago agree air all allow allowed almost alone along already also although always am amazing america american americans among amount an analog and another answer answers any anyone anything anyway apparently are area arent argument around art article as ask asked asking ass assume at attention available avoid away awesome baby back bad bar based basic basically be because bee been before behavior behind being believe best bet better between beyond big bill bit black blog blue body book books both bought box brain break bring building bunch bush business but buy buying by c call called calling came can cannot cant car card care case cases cat cause certain certainly chance change changed cheap check child children choice choose city claim class clear clearly close code cold college com come comes coming comment comments common community companies company completely computer consider considered contact content continue control conversation cool copy correct cost could couldnt country couple course cover crap crazy create credit culture current cut damn data date day days dead deal death decide definitely design did didnt die difference different difficult directly discussion do doctor does doesnt dog doing done dont door doubt down drink drive due during e each early easier easily easy eat eating effect eighty either eleven else email end energy english enjoy enough entire entirely especially etc even eventually ever every everyone everything evidence exactly example excellent except expect expensive experience explain extra eyes face fact fair fairly fall family far fast favorite feel feeling felt few field fifteen fifty figure file film finally find finding fine first fit five folks follow food for force forget form found four free friend friends from front fuck fucking full fun funny further future game games gave gay general generally get gets getting girl give given gives giving go god goes going gone good google got government great group guess guy guys had hair half hand hands happen happened happens happy hard has hate have havent having he head health hear heard heart hell help her here heres hes hey high higher him himself his history hit hold home hope hot hour hours house how however http huge human i id idea ideas if ill im image imagine important in including indeed information inside instead insurance interest interested interesting internet into involved iraq is isnt issue issues it its itself ive job jobs john just keep key kid kids kill kind knew know known knows lack language large last late later law learn learned least leave left legal less let lets level life light like liked likely line link links list listen little live lived lives living local long longer look looked looking looks lose lost lot lots love low luck machine made main major make makes making man many market matter may maybe me mean means meant media meet mefi members men mention mentioned metafilter middle might military mind mine minutes mom moment money month months more morning most mostly mother move movie movies moving mr much music must my myself name national near nearly necessary need needed needs never new news next nice night nine no nobody none normal not note nothing notice now number numbers obama obvious obviously of off offer office often oh oil ok okay old older on once one onehundred ones online only open opinion option or orders original other others otherwise our out outside over own page paid pain paper parents part particular particularly parts party past pay paying people per perfect perhaps person personal personally phone pick picture pictures piece place places plan play playing please plenty plus point points police policy political poor popular position possible possibly post posted posting posts power president pretty price private probably problem problems process program project provide public put putting quality question questions quickly quite rate rather read reading real realize really reason reasons recent recently recommend record red regular related relationship religion religious remember research respect response rest result results right rights risk rock room rules run running s safe said same save saw say saying says school science search second security see seeing seem seemed seems seen sell send sense series serious seriously service set seven several sex share she shes shit short shot should shouldnt show shows side sign similar simple simply since single site sites situation six size sleep small so social society software solution some somehow someone something sometimes somewhere song soon sorry sort sound sounds source south space speak speaking special specific spend spent stand standard start started state states stay step still stop store stories story straight street strong students stuff stupid style subject such suggest support supposed sure surprised system take taken takes taking talk talking tax tell telling ten tend term terms test text than thank thanks that thats the their them themselves then theory there theres these they theyll theyre theyve thing things think thinking third thirty this-is-cortex this those though thought thread three through time times to today together told too took top totally towards town tried trouble true truly trust try trying turn turned tv twenty two type u under understand unless until up upon us use used useful user using usually value various version very via video view vote wait walk want wanted wants war was wasnt watch watching water way ways we wear web website week weeks weight weird well went were weve what whatever whats when where whether which while white who whole why wife will willing windows wish with within without woman women wonder wont word words work worked working works world worry worse worth would wouldnt wow write writing written wrong wrote x yeah year years yes yet you youd youll young your youre yourself youve zero zerozerozero